公 司 简 介
上海宇皇实业有限公司是一家从事高质量环氧树脂地坪材料、 耐磨地坪材料,混凝土养护材料,无尘地坪材料等工业建筑材料生产、销售与施工 为一体的专业公司.
公司拥有雄厚的资金,作为环氧地坪涂料行业的先驱者,凭着其优良的品 质、严格的管理、先进的施工设备及经验丰富的工程技术人员,公司先后通过 了ISO9000:2001质量管理体系认证和ISO14001:2004环境质量体系认证。 公司与南方建材上市公司及中南大学研究院都有技术合作,以不断吸取改进更 新的技术来更好的服务于客户。
通过公司全体同仁的不懈努力,宇皇实业已成为全国行业内的生产制 造企业。
宇皇实业始终以科技倡导发展,以人才技术为基础,用的产品质 量和售后服务满足客户,客户满意就是衡量我们的尺度。让我们以更完美的施 工技术为您创造出更优雅的工作环境,以素质的工作人员为您提供专业 的服务。
YUEBAOLI ENTERPRISE GROUP Shanghai YUHUANG Co.,Ltd is in professional product , sale and construct for quality epoxy resin floor material, wearable floor material, within and external walls coatings and construction waterproof material and so on.
Company owned rich funds, as the pioneer of the epoxy resin floor industry, company adopt ISO9000:2001 Quality Management System Certification and ISO14001:2004 Environmental Quality System Certification with our good quality, strict management , advanced Construction and experienced technical staff.
Through the efforts by all company staff, Yuhuang group have been leading manufacturing enterprises in the domestic industry.
Yuhuang group is always to promote the development of science and technology, leading to the basis of talent and technology, and service customer by the best product quality and after-sales service. We will create more elegant working environment for you by perfect construction technology and provided the most professional services for you with the high-quality staff.
Our Quality Policy: To promote the development of science and technology
The ladder with Scientific management
The future success with the talent and technology
To service customer with quality service