

泉州码亚贸易有限公司位于铁艺之乡-福建安溪。 微信小程序:泉州工艺品/安溪工艺品/铁艺家具工艺品 公司经营的工艺品,远销欧美,东南亚,日韩等多国,品种齐全、价格合理,畅销消费者市场。公司接受工艺品OEM代加工,工艺品来图来样加工,工艺品贴牌生产,工艺品一件代发,铁艺工艺品批发,木制工艺品批发。 泉州码亚贸易有限公司,是一家多年从事工艺品、铁艺桌椅、铁艺置物架、藤铁工艺、家居装饰、家俱系列、铁艺床、铁艺门、铁艺书架、铁艺浴室架、铁艺厨房架、铁艺屏风、铁艺户外、铁艺花架、铁艺沙发、铁艺广告牌、服装架等产品的生产批发定做的有限责任公司。 泉州码亚贸易有限公司的产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。 泉州码亚贸易有限公司本着“诚信经营,才能发展久远”的经营理念,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。 现诚招各地代理商、加盟商。欢迎前来洽谈合作,共图发展! Quanzhou code and trade co., LTD is located in the hometown of wrought iron - fujian anxi. Companies operating crafts, sells in distant markets Europe and America, southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea and other nations, variety complete, the price is reasonable, the best-selling consumer market. Companies accept OEM generation of processing, arts and crafts arts and crafts to chart to sample processing, OEM, arts and crafts arts and crafts a undertakes, wrought iron crafts wholesale, wooden crafts wholesale. Quanzhou code and trade co., LTD., is a for many years engaged in handicrafts, wrought iron, wrought iron furniture, shelf, rattan craft, home decoration, furniture series, wrought iron bed, wrought iron gate, wrought iron, wrought iron frame, wrought iron kitchen bathroom rack shelf, wrought iron, wrought iron, wrought iron flower, tieyi sofa, wrought iron outdoor billboards, clothing and other products wholesale, custom-made co., LTD. Around the agents, franchisees more sincerely now. Welcome to come to discuss cooperation and common development!


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