

昆山科立仕自动化科技有限公司成立于2002年,坐落于中国江苏昆山。是一家专业从事进口自动化配件代理经销的企业。公司主要服务于汽车,金属加工,塑胶加工,食品生产,工程机械,电子元器件等企业的客户。科立仕一直凭借的服务和专业资质在海内外赢得良好口碑,目前公司处于高速发展状态,销售网络从华东区域辐射全国各地。我们的口号是:提供的服务,完善的售后。我们相信通过不懈的努力和追求一定能够实现中小企业的互利共赢。Kunshan Keles Automation Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002, and it is engaged in the import automation accessories distribution. The company mainly serves for the automotive, metal processing, plastics processing, food production, engineering machinery, electronic components and other corporate customers. For excellent service and professional quality Keles has won a good reputation at home and abroad, we are now in a state of rapid development, sales network radiates from the East China to all over the country. Our slogan is: provide the best service, provide the perfect customer service. We believe that the mutual benefit and win-win progress through unremitting efforts and pursuit will be realized in small and medium sized enterprises.


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