

价格:366 2022-04-16 03:45:04 109次浏览



KOBA 2013年8月发表一系列UHPB高性能电池,以高容量、高性能与的耐用性,来满足高性能需求的客户。



韩国KOBA电池进行的汽车、商业、海洋、工业和休闲车电池。 KOBA电池更持久的电池。

Korea Koba battery carries out a full range of automotive, commercial, marine, industrial and recreational vehicle batteries. Koba batteries are more durable batteries.


Korea Koba battery was founded in 1944, is a production of lead-acid batteries, AGM batteries, valve regulated sealed battery enterprises, in order to provide customers with power demand, Koba constantly * to create a customer-oriented products.

KOBA 2013年8月发表一系列UHPB高性能电池,以高容量、高性能与优越的耐用性,来满足高性能需求的客户。Koba published a series of uhpb high performance batteries in August 2013, which meet the needs of high performance customers with high capacity, high performance and superior durability.


This uhpb battery is equipped with Koba * technology X-frame and GPS (plate protection system). In order to meet the needs of customers, the new uhpb battery, compared with its own MF standard battery, increases the cold start current by 30% and increases the service life by 25%. It not only improves the power output, but also aims at the technical development of X-frame and improves the quality of every battery, Add the polar plate protection system GPS to reduce the aging speed and prolong the service life.

韩国KOBA蓄电池继续以*的技术与*,包括混合动力车所使用的AGM电池,在*市场上*ISO9001、ISO14001、TS16949*,环保管理体系*,以及产品可靠性R-MARK的 关于电池生产KOBA*60年经验,从工业电池、混合动力汽车、风力及太阳能电力储存电池,参与*性的能源储存设备供应,使您的佳选择。

Koba batteries in Korea continue to use * technology and including AGM batteries used in hybrid electric vehicles, ISO9001, ISO14001, TS16949 environmental management system and product reliability r-mark * in * market. About 60 years of experience in Koba * battery production, from industrial batteries, hybrid vehicles, wind and solar power storage batteries, to participate in the supply of * energy storage equipment, making you a good choice.

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