

价格:1000 2020-07-22 08:47:38 644次浏览

叶片采用专用镜面不锈钢冲压成型制成,风量大、不变形、不断裂、不挂灰、美观耐用;Fan blade is made of mirror stainless steel by punch forming. Large air volume, no deformation, no dust, attractive and durable.

风机导流罩采用镀锌层275/平方,增加了镀锌层厚度,保证今后使用不生锈;采用外翻沿倒流设计,提高通风量,减少风机振动和噪音,增加风机稳定性;Round frame use thickened galvanized sheet(zinc coating weight is 275g/) to ensure never rust. Flanging edge backflow design increase ventilation, reduce vibration and noise, improvefan’s stability.

电机采用铝镁合金外壳,散热性好,效率高、电机尺寸小、重量轻、电流低、力矩大;SANHE motors with aluminum-magnesium alloy housing, good heat emission, high efficiency, reasonable dimension, light weight, low current, big torque.

扇叶均经过先进的电脑动平衡测试仪校正,使风机运行平稳、降低噪音、增强稳定性、延长使用寿命。Fan blades are adjusted by intelligent dynamic-balance tester, ensure smooth running, low vibration, less noise, increase stability and service life.

根据客户需求可加装安装使用的环形吊装环,方便客户安装;Circle installation hanging rings can be customized to facilitate installation.

实验证明, 为了达到的通风效果,风机的安装位置是牛棚料槽的正上方,风机下沿距离地面2.7米,倾斜角度在1530度为佳。

Test proved: in order to get the best ventilation effect, optimum installation site lies in the right above of the feeding trough. distance between the fan’s bottom and ground is 2.7m. Inclination angle is better from 15°to 30°

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