

价格:1610 2020-07-15 10:39:01 679次浏览

采用前置双门打开机构,风阻小、密闭好、效率高;加长喇叭口设计,提高抽风压力;Using advanced front double door opening device, small wind resistance, good sealing, high efficiency, lengthened cone design improve exhaust power.

外框镀锌板均采用275g/㎡镀锌层,有效避免生锈;Zinc coating weight of Galvanized sheet is 275g/㎡,avoiding rust effectively.

风机双门关闭时加有橡胶密封装置,当多台风机根据环境情况,不同时启动时,有效避免空气回流,大大提高运行效率,与同功率风机相比,提高效率15-20%;Fan double doors closed with the rubber sealing which effectively avoid air backflow when start fans at different time. Greatly improve the operation efficiency by 15-20% compared with the same power fan.

三和风机特殊的风扇形状设计使其可自行清洁以达到高效率,扇叶采用克虏伯自洁不锈钢材料经模具冲压成型制成,风量大、不变形、不断裂、不挂灰、美观耐用;不锈钢厚度:1.2mm、表面光洁度:BASanhe fan blade is special designed for the biggest efficiency which made of Krupp stainless steel by punch forming. Large air volume, no deformation, no broken,no dust, attractive and durable. Thickness 1.2mm, surface finish BA grade.

风机扇叶均经过的电脑动平衡测试仪校正,保证风机运行平稳、降低噪音、增强稳定性、延长使用寿命。Fan blades are adjusted by intelligent dynamic-balance tester, ensure the fan smooth running, lower vibration, less noise, increase stability.

风机均采用热镀锌立柱、热镀锌保护网,保证今后使用过程中不生锈;Hot-dip galvanized blade support and safe net ensure never rust.

皮带采用B型皮带,与其他厂家的A型皮带相比,使用寿命延长3倍;Use B-V belt, lifespan is 3 times longer than A-V belt.

风机完全改为数控流水化生产,准确掌握产品质量,达到国际同行业的高水平,外形美观。Complete new CNC production line improved fan quality up to top grade, aesthetic appearance.

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