

价格:8800 2020-06-09 08:17:08 604次浏览


Zhejiang Lingshang PackagingCo., Ltd.





浙江领尚包装有限公司, 成立于2002年。是一家专注于生产,设计,研发,销售于一体的专业纸塑包装生产型企业。

十多年来,我公司一直致力于学习国外的先进生产技术,不断引进国内外先进的生产设备,并开发生产出一系列高品质的包装印刷产品,在纸制包装界取得了优异的成绩。随着近几年国内外对环保的重视,及多个国家禁塑令的颁布,领尚包装也响应国家的号召,致力于研究如何将纸与可降解材料进行完美的结合。经多年努力,最终研发出新型的环保包装袋,不但拥有纸制产品的印刷效果(可烫金,UV,压纹等),而且还具备塑料包装的阻隔性。其竞争优势在于免版费,极具竞争优势的价格,交期快及可小批量定制,广泛用于食品, 化妆品,医药等行业的包装。


Established in 2002, Zhejiang Xfashion Packaging Co., Ltd is a professional paper-plastic packaging manufacturing enterprise that focus on production, design, R&D, and sales.

For more than ten years, our company has been committed to learning advanced foreign production technology, continuously introducing advanced production equipment at home and abroad, developing and producing a series of high-quality packaging and printing products, and has achieved excellent results in the paper packaging industry. With the emphasis on environmental protection at home and abroad in recent years, and the promulgation of plastic bans in many countries, Xfashion Packaging has also responded to the country's call and is committed to studying how to perfectly combine paper with degradable materials. After years of hard work, we have finally developed a new type of environmentally friendly packaging bag, which is not only has the printing effect of paper products (hot stamping, UV, embossing, etc.), but also has the barrier properties of plastic packaging. The advantages of this kind of packaging are free of cylinder making fees, highly competitive prices, and fast delivery, mostly important part is that it can accept small batch customization. It is widely used in packaging for food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and other industries.

Relying on our company's rich production and domestic and foreign sales experience in this industry for many years, we are good at providing customers with professional, personalized, green environmental protection printing and packaging services and competitive prices. Our company's customers have spread all over China and Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Xfashion Packaging is committed to being an environmentally friendly manufacturing company that leads packaging fashion and is at the forefront of packaging.



电 话

邮 箱:ruby@

网 站:https://xfashionpack.

地 址:浙江 杭州市江干区 横塘一区188号 领尚包装

关于我们义乌以全球的小商品批发市场为依托,已成为国际性的小商品流通中心、信息中心、展示中心和小商品出口基地,包装的需求日益增长,已成为全国包装的主要基地之一。2020PKWE包装世界(义乌)博览会将于2020年8月17日-19日在义乌国际博览中心隆重举行!博览会立足中国义乌、链接全球120个国家及地区,依托全球小商品之都义乌优越的市场和产业优势,集中展示创新包装制品与绿色环保新材料,涵盖纸、塑料、金属、无纺布、木质、复合材料、玻 璃等包装以及整体包装解决方案,是代表我国包装发展新趋势和创新包装服务大平台。

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