

价格:面议 2020-03-24 05:03:01 234次浏览

急流槽模具介绍的重点是在于急流槽预制块所要预制的光滑程度,例如U型槽模具、流水槽模具通常都是采用钢板制作,而这种急流槽模具基本上都是使用塑料颗粒注塑加工而成的,要求严格。急流槽模具介绍是在众多的模具中使用量比较小的一款,这种模具主要应用的建设工程是高速公路,而模具的大小也是比较适中的,如果模具大了的话,注塑肯定不容易,而且脱模也是比较费事的。The key point of the introduction of the chute mould is the smoothness of the prefabricated block of the chute. For example, the U-groove mould and the chute mould are usually made of steel plate, and the chute mould is basically made of plastic particles by injection molding, with strict requirements. The introduction of the chute mold is a small one in many molds. The main application of this mold is the highway, and the size of the mold is also relatively moderate. If the mold is large, injection molding is certainly not easy, and demoulding is also relatively difficult.

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